This is one of my favorite pictures of her. She looks so beautiful and so happy with her granddaughters.
My mother. My kind, generous, lovely, friendly, crazy mother! We are so different yet so much alike! There is nobody in this world who can push my buttons like my mom, but at the same time there is nobody who gets me and hears me like her, or makes me laugh like her! We have been through a lot, from sweet happy times, to not speaking, to screaming, to crying from utter sadness at the state of our relationship, to tears of joy for how far we have come. We don't agree on a lot of things, but we love each other in ways that nobody else can fulfil.
I love you Mom, and I pray that our relationship will continue to grow and heal and become stronger. Thank you for teaching me to be a good girl, for teaching me about honesty, and to be my own person, and to want something more from my life. Thank you for sending me to church as a girl to start laying a foundation for a lifetime of serving Christ. You are an amazing Grandmother and it is my hope to be able to love my children and grandchildren with as much devotion as you. Love you!