Monday, June 1, 2015

"Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full"

One of my sweet friends gave me a book at my baby shower for the twins. It's called Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditation for Busy Moms by Gloria Furman. I have so many books that I have been meaning to read and am slowly plucking my way through them and sadly this book was nowhere near the top of the list because I forgot I had it! However, God has a very special way of bringing things to happen at exactly when they are needed. I was starting to think that this whole twin thing was going to be a lot easier than I thought until... THE BABIES STARTED WAKING UP! They are sleeping through the night (YAY! although I still have to wake up at night to pump) but they are starting to be awake more during the day and are demanding much more of my time these days, as is my 21 month old. So this book came back onto my shelf at a very good time, just as life is starting to get a little overwhelming again. I have only read the introduction so far but I wanted to share a little snippet of what is to come. I can't wait to finish and be able to tell you all about it!
"The circumstances of your motherhood may be difficult, troublesome, and confusing. Even so, there is a circumstance that supersedes all the complexities of your life. It is the simple truth that the one great, permanent circumstance in which you live is that you have been allowed to walk in newness of life as you are united to Christ by faith through grace. Our joy cannot be wrapped up in motherhood but only in God. All of us need to allow the Spirit to do his 'indoor work' and marvel as the Lord cultivates sweet, inward contentment in our heart as we learn to trust him."
What this means to me is that no matter how crazy my life is, there is something bigger. There is someone bigger. I don't deserve any of these blessings that God has bestowed on me because I am a wretched sinner! So undeserving. But God has chosen to offer me (and anyone else who seeks it) His grace and I have the opportunity to live a new life in Him. That is the most important thing. It doesn't matter that I am trying to care for four children five and under and all that goes with that. All that matters is that I am a new creation. I can't give all that I am to my children. That won't get me anywhere but a loony bin! It is only by putting my trust in God that I can learn to be content in my difficult and hectic life. He will teach me how to see joy in ALL circumstances, which is sort of a theme in my life right now. This is obviously a work that God has been doing in me over the last year and I still have a lot to learn!

If you are a mom, it might be worthwhile to check out this book! I haven't read it yet and can't endorse it FULLY, but if the introduction is a true reflection of what this book is about, I say it's a must read for any mama (busy or not)!

By the way, the first chapter of this book is called Hands Full of Blessings.
*wink wink* *nudge nudge*

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