Monday, December 7, 2015
Keepsake Ornaments
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
How I Lost 25lbs in Two Months
I am writing this story to tell you about this amazing journey of transformation that I have been on for a little while now. I know that it is long, but if you bear with me, I hope that you won’t be disappointed! I am by no means an expert and I am definitely not what you would call fit. But in September I made a choice. That choice was to stop making excuses, to get up off the couch, and to be an active and healthy wife and mother for my family.
I have always been a big girl. Food has often been my best friend and my worst enemy at the same time. My eating habits were tightly wound up in my emotions and I had very little self-control when it came to food. I have wanted to get healthy but I didn’t know how to do that. I would try different diets but it was never long before I would slip back into my old habits. I would try to be more active but as soon as my knees or back would start bothering me I would be back on the couch. Any sort of emotional trauma (big or small) would send me into a spiral of depression and failing on a new diet or workout routine would only make it worse. I made excuse after excuse but ultimately it came down to my heart. I was afraid of change and afraid to push myself.
I had always thought that despite my weight, I was relatively healthy with hypothyroidism being my only “disease,” which I would have had no matter my size due to the high number of my relatives who were being diagnosed. However, that idea was squashed when I was pregnant with the twins and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and mild preeclampsia. While both are somewhat common in twin pregnancies, your chances of getting them are greatly increased by weight. I was able to control my gestational diabetes with diet and I went on bed rest for the last month of my pregnancy, delivering a little early due to my blood pressure.
After the babies were born I had a scary couple of days with severe headaches and extreme swelling and had to go back to the hospital for tests. I had postpartum high blood pressure and my doctor put me on medicine to control it. When my blood pressure was still high at 6 weeks postpartum, I was diagnosed with hypertension. That was it for me. I knew that something had to change but with twin newborns, a one and a half year old and a five year old, I was very overwhelmed and a change in diet and activity level was out of the question.
In the spring my dear friend, Tia, started posting on her Facebook about this amazing transformation from the 21 Day Fix by Beachbody. She had lost so much weight and she was feeling awesome! I was intrigued. I followed her stories and couldn’t wait to see her continue to blossom! Then one day I got a Facebook message from her inviting me to try the 21 Day Fix because it was a great program for busy moms with only 30 minutes a day AT HOME to work out and an easy to follow diet plan. I was very interested but ultimately decided that it wasn’t the right time. I was very overwhelmed with life, not sleeping, and I was worried that any change in routine would upset the delicate balance of all of our lives. I joined Tia’s challenge group to be inspired by her and others on a daily basis until I felt like I was ready. But the wheels were turning…
During that time a very dear friend passed away from a lifelong battle with an autoimmune disease. She faced more trials and tribulations than anyone I had ever known, yet she faced it all with a smile. Her life’s motto was “Choose Joy.” She inspired me so much that I named my little Grace Emily after her. No matter the circumstances of her life, she chose to look to the Lord for her strength and find joy in the trials that He placed before her, because she knew that He had a great plan for her life and that He would use her story to impact many people. I longed to find joy in all circumstances but I was still fighting to survive life with all these children! God placed many reminders in front of me of His blessings and to choose to be joyful. He reminded me time and time again to praise Him at all times. He was really working on my heart!
In September Tia announced that she would be holding a couple’s challenge and I got so excited! The moment I read it I KNEW that was my chance! I knew that Will and I could be stronger as a team than I would be as an individual so we signed up. I was ready. We purchased the 21 Day Fix program and I dove in fully! I spent a couple of weeks before the challenge practicing meals and teaching myself a little bit about nutrition. I searched for recipes and I tried out new foods.
Then it started and Will was amazing! He was faithful to do the workouts every single day, even when I was sick and couldn’t work out for a few days and even when I hurt my foot and missed another couple of days. He was right there, working out every single morning. His dedication inspired me so much! He was my hero through that entire 21 days! We often talked about how much food we were eating compared to what we thought we should be eating. The difference was that it was GOOD food. As in CLEAN, REAL food! There was a different 30 minute workout for each day of the week and they were very challenging but easy to follow. They got easier each week as our endurance grew. We had so much fun working out together and taking selfies after each workout session.
We started to notice that the weight was shedding off! We felt so much better and our stamina was increasing. We were getting stronger, we had more energy, and we were shrinking. By the end of that first round Will had lost 11 lbs and 7 inches and I had lost 13 lbs and 11 inches! We turned it into a friendly competition--whoever lost the highest percentage of body weight would get to choose an item off of our Amazon Wish List and purchase it, no questions asked. Will beat me by a small fraction but he won fair and square and he earned it! That little competition helped to keep us engaged the entire time.
I am still working the 21 Day Fix and going strong, despite a couple major setbacks involving diastasis recti (an abdominal injury caused by the twin pregnancy) and arthritis in my knees. I have had a few slips this round but always get back on track! The changes in my body have been incredible! I have so much more energy to complete my daily tasks as a wife, mother, and keeper of the home, my digestion has improved, and my complexion has become smoother. I can see my biceps and calved beginning to get more toned. One of the more surprising differences is that I am staying fuller for longer. I always thought that “dieting” meant you were hungry all the time but that just is not the case when you fuel your body with exactly what it needs. This isn't a diet! It's all about changing your outlook on food. It's about giving your body the nutrients it NEEDS, not the junk it craves. My body definitely feels different when I eat processed, fatty, salty, or very sweet foods and I don’t like it! I feel sluggish and weak. With all of these things going on, my proudest accomplishment thus far is being told by my doctor that I no longer have to take my blood pressure medicine after losing total of 25 lbs!
The changes I have noticed in myself aren’t just physical but spiritual, mental, and emotional as well. I am finding myself thinking more on my relationship with the Lord and how I have been destroying His beautiful creation with junk and laziness. I am seeing myself in a new way, through His eyes as a child of God and worthy of His love through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. My mindset has shifted from having a “desire” to lose weight to a determination that I have never before seen in myself, and that has been the biggest driving force in keeping me going. My determination to be a wife and mother who is present, engaged, and enjoying life WITH my family instead of watching from the sidelines over-powers any excuses I try to make. I am happier and more confident in not just my looks, but what my body is capable of doing! My ability to use self-control has been getting better and I am finding it easier to say no to temptation.
I have learned over the last 10 weeks that just as we should choose to be joyful in all circumstances, we must also choose to be determined. Determination is a choice that we must make every single day, every single hour, and every single minute! One key factor in helping me to embrace this journey I am on was learning that this is not just about getting healthy, but about a lifestyle! I have learned the importance of meal planning (my worst days food-wise are ones in which I do not think ahead) and food preparation. I have learned how to incorporate more movement into my daily routine, how to eat a well balanced diet that is high in vegetables and protein, that things I thought were good for me actually weren’t, that it is so important to never look back at your failures but to always look forward, to give yourself a little grace, and so much more that I can’t possibly fit into this story!
This is one of my favorite pictures because I felt strong and slim that night after my workout! I can see my own confidence shining through in this picture!
And now I want to help other people find this determination in themselves. We are much more capable than we think we are! I want to tell you that you CAN push aside those fears and those excuses and get fit and healthy! I know that there are so many people out there like me who are afraid of change, who keep making excuses, who desire to change but just don’t know where to begin. I am still learning and I definitely don’t have all the answers but I do have some tools at my disposal and I would love to share those! I would love to learn with others who are determined to make this change in themselves as well. We can’t do it alone! One of the most important things that I have learned is that accountability is ESSENTIAL. There have been so many people who have inspired me along this path and if some of those people hadn’t taken the time to truly invest in me, I would not have made it this far. If you are interested, please contact me via email at or through Facebook messaging. I would love to walk this journey with you!
Monday, October 26, 2015
Determination is a Choice
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Why yes, I do have my hands full, thank you!
When I heard this phrase the first few times when I was expecting the twins, I didn't think much of it. Then after a while and especially after the babies were born it started to bother me and I don't know why. Perhaps it was because I heard it ALL. THE. TIME. I would get so irritated every time someone said it. But then it occurred to me that unless spoken in a tone of obvious disdain and malice, these comments were most likely innocent and from a good place. Even if they weren't, was it my place to get mad and huffy? No! It is my job to show Christ's love to everyone. I now hear something along these lines every time I go anywhere with all the children and all I say is, "Yes I do!" Because, yes, my hands ARE full! I say it with a smile to show love to others and that even though my hands are SO full and I am exhausted beyond belief, it is a good kind of full and a true blessing. I am still a work in progress and the comments do get to me on occasion but I try my best to portray my blessings as such!
I really like what this lady says in her post on the Humbled Homemaker.
"Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:2
Friday, June 12, 2015
Homemade Crockpot Yogurt
Vegetarian Taco Casserole
Homemade Taco Seasoning
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Just a quick and encouraging word...
Monday, June 1, 2015
"Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full"
"The circumstances of your motherhood may be difficult, troublesome, and confusing. Even so, there is a circumstance that supersedes all the complexities of your life. It is the simple truth that the one great, permanent circumstance in which you live is that you have been allowed to walk in newness of life as you are united to Christ by faith through grace. Our joy cannot be wrapped up in motherhood but only in God. All of us need to allow the Spirit to do his 'indoor work' and marvel as the Lord cultivates sweet, inward contentment in our heart as we learn to trust him."
If you are a mom, it might be worthwhile to check out this book! I haven't read it yet and can't endorse it FULLY, but if the introduction is a true reflection of what this book is about, I say it's a must read for any mama (busy or not)!
By the way, the first chapter of this book is called Hands Full of Blessings.
*wink wink* *nudge nudge*
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Happy Belated Mother's Day
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Lactation Foods Fit For the Whole Family
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Time and Money Saving Tip: Hamburger
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
A Day in the Life
My son has become obsessed with the Price is Right so we watch it a few times a week (the TV has taken up a new temporary residence on the radiator or the piano ever since the babies were born- it is going back to our bedroom soon):
Friday, April 10, 2015
Encouragement for Moms
When I found out I was expecting twins, I was TERRIFIED! I know myself and know that I get overwhelmed very easily. I really started to question God and why He would choose me to be a mom of twins, especially when I already had two other kids, one who was barely a year old!! I did not know how I would be able to juggle being a good wife and mother, taking care of the house, and maintaining my already fragile emotions well enough to avoid falling into a pit of depression. I remember asking God in tears why he chose me to have this life when I am so weak!! At times I would allow myself to feel God's peace. He would remind me through His words from the Psalms, "Be still and know that I am God," and His words from Jeremiah, "I know the plans I have for you, plans for a hope and a future. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you." I would read these words and be comforted. But at times I still had a lot of fear of the unknown. I wanted to trust God but really struggled with letting go.
Then our twins were born. I was so happy and yet so scared! But you know what? I made it through the first week. Then I made it through the second week by myself with the twins. Then I made it through my first day with all four children by myself. I asked for God's help and encouragement, and He gave it to me. Now the babies are two months old and we are doing well! I remember thinking that having twins would be good for me because it would force me to get my act together. I can see now how correct I was! But it wasn't me getting my act together. I could not have managed without God's strength (and the help of so many amazing family members and friends). I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "I don't know how you manage!" But I am here to tell you that I don't manage! If I did not ask God daily for His help, I would be sitting in a puddle of tears on the floor, unable to function. God has enabled me to not only survive the day, but to be more organized and keep the household running as well. It is not necessarily clean or tidy, but my children are well cared for, I can get supper on the table, and I can get us in and out of the house in one piece. I have my moments of feeling overwhelmingly ill-equipped to be doing this job and I know that I will have many more. There are days that I am on the verge of tears all day. But with God's help, I am doing it, which is honestly more than I thought I could handle.
God has also blessed me with an amazing army of helpers. He placed people in my life who are kind and willing to take time out of their busy lives to help us out. I have been reminded numerous times that God did not intend for any of us to do this alone. He created families and communities to come along side one another and lift each other up. I am so thankful for these people allowing themselves to be used by God to bless our family.
God has shown me time and time again that He loves me and He has a plan for my life. I have seen His divine intervention in my life many times and I can see it now, in the way that He has provided a way for me to manage my handful of blessings.
So I encourage mothers, no matter how many children you have, to stop thinking in terms of your own strength, or what YOU can handle. Because I guarantee you, if you try to do it on your own, it will be much more difficult. Let God be your strength, for when we are weak, He is strong. Let yourself be overwhelmed with His love, not your circumstances.
"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
She Chose JOY
One of my greatest heroes, someone whose wisdom I respect and glean all I can from, has taught me this very important clarification to the well-known verse 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It's great advice for life, these three instructions in verses 16 through 18: Rejoice always. Pray continually. And here's the kicker a lot of us don't like: Give thanks in all circumstances. The important clarficiation is, he doesn't write, "Give thanks FOR all circumstances." He writes, "Give thanks IN all circumstances."One of the simplest ways I remember this is from a story I saw once about a forest fire. The forest was just decimated. The wildfire had burnt everything green and beautiful away. The wildlife was gone. It was a beautiful sanctuary turned ugly. And then the focus turned to a little green bud, shooting up out of the ground. New life after a tragedy. Fresh, hope-filled spring coming up through the ashes of heaviness. No one would stand there and say, "God, thanks for the wildfire that ruined this landscape and killed the life that was here." That would be crazy! But obedience to 1 Thessalonians 5:18, and learning to live in that flow of noticing the praise-worthy things, and expressing gratitude for them -- that person would stand up and say, "God, this forest fire made my heart sink. But I see this flower springing up from a silent, lifeless forest floor. And it lifts my spirits, and makes my heart leap. Thank You, God, for this beauty in spite of the ashes."We all face seasons and experiences in life that are so hard, so sad, so gut-socking and painful. But, our greatest power is our power to choose. Whether your life up to this point has been a nice coast, or it's been a tooth and nail gritty fight to survive, I challenge you to choose gratitude. "Give thanks IN all circumstances."
I thank God for bringing this beautiful lady into my life and for using her to teach me to choose joy. Please pray for her husband and young daughter as they navigate this time of mourning.
I also encourage you to check out this awesome song, Joy, by Rend Collective and praise God IN all circumstances. Our joy comes from Him!
Monday, March 23, 2015
Welcoming Our Newest Little Blessings
After that it was time for my husband and the babies to go to the nursery and I stayed put while they sewed me up. My awesome doctor tried to keep me entertained by talking about the Super Bowl, which was the night before. I wasn't in the mood to talk about it though because my beloved Seahawks had lost, and they did it very poorly. Actually I am only an avid fan when they are doing really well and go to the Super Bowl but still, it was very disappointing! Then the doctor and his med student started talking about the half time show and I decided that was a good time for a little nap because I had no interest in the half time show. We watched I Love Lucy (Ricky's Home Movies) instead! Anyway, when it was time to go to recovery, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that I would be able to hold my babies and try to nurse them for the first time. The second most dreadful part of my first child's birth (the first being the spinal block) was having to go to recovery without knowing a single thing about my baby! I had to stay there for almost 2 hours without my husband and without my baby. They said to rest and take a nap but how can you when you know nothing about how your baby is doing?! Okay, back to the twins. So they brought B in first and I held her skin to skin and gave her a little nibble. Then A came in and we did the same. At some point my mom tried to come in, twice, and the nurse shooed her away, saying it was Mommy, Daddy, Baby time. I was so happy to have that time with our new little bundles.
The rest of the day really is a blur. In fact, the rest of the hospital stay is kind of a blur! I know that I was in a lot of pain, more than I was after my first c-section, and the pain meds just weren't cutting it even though we were staying on schedule. My doc made hearts come out of my head when he increased the doses without question even though the nurses had said that he probably wouldn't. The babies didn't nurse at all the first day and spent the night in the nursery and had to have a bottle due to low blood sugar. I was very disappointed and confused because I felt like a pro breastfeeder since I had already nursed both of my other children until they were a year old. We stayed in close contact with the nurses and a lactation consultant and I started pumping and we finger fed the babies while in the hospital. They never caught on to nursing. I kept telling myself that they would be just fine if they had to be formula babies. Many a great men and women were fed formula and turned out fantastic! But my heart hurt because I was supposed to be their source of nutrition. It was my job as their mother to feed them my liquid gold and no matter how many times I told myself and told other people that I was okay with it, I really wasn't! I have come to accept the fact that they may have to be on bottles but I am still working on it. More on that later...
Do you remember that I had to deliver the babies a little bit early because of my very mild pre-eclampsia? Well, in most cases the way to cure pre-eclampsia is to deliver the baby. But in my case, it got worse after! There were no signs of it in the hospital but over the first week my swelling increased and I felt lightheaded and had a very terrible headache, despite still being on my pain meds. One leg was significantly more swollen than the other so I had to go back to the hospital to get an ultrasound to check for a blood clot. That was negative but when we went to see my doctor after that, my blood pressure was higher than it's ever been. I don't think it was an incredibly dangerous blood pressure, but it was obvious that things weren't right. SOOOO, he put me on some blood pressure medicine, which I am still taking almost 2 months later. He still wasn't happy with my numbers at my post-partum check up last week so it looks like I'll be on it for a little while longer until I follow up with my family doctor in a couple months. He didn't really say why this is happening, I don't even know if he knows, but I am just going to blame it, like everything, on hormones and having twins!
The first week home was very overwhelming for me! I was terrified to be left alone with both babies. I didn't know how to feed them both and the thought of taking care of all four of my children at the same time was utterly terrifying! I made my husband take an extra couple of days off because I wasn't ready for him to go back to work but then something inside me snapped, and I suddenly decided that I could take care of the twins on my own. It was another week or so before I spent any significant amount of time alone with all four but because of our loving family and amazing friends, I was able to slowly work my way into being the mother of four. A few hours alone one week, then two days the next week, then three, then the time finally came when I had all four at home with me all week!! Now it feels completely normal and I hardly remember a time when I didn't have all of my little gifts from God at home with me.
When the babies were 2 weeks old they caught a cold. It wasn't too bad, but they were congested. At first it didn't affect their eating or sleeping but after about a week, Baby B was having a hard time getting all of her bottles in. When she projectile vomited all of the food she had taken in that day and I noticed that she had a very slight fever, I called our doctor, who told me to take her to the ER. I thought that they would just say she has a cold, suction her nose as often as you can, and send us home. However, the cold had caused her to get a little dehydrated and she had low muscle tone so they admitted her to the hospital. We stayed for about 30 hours, plus the 7 or 8 hours we had spent in the ER overnight. It was a very scary and exhausting time for us but we knew that things could be a lot worse. All she needed were some IV fluids and a little TLC and she was fine. They let us keep her sister in the room with us, which was a complete blessing. Again, I am so thankful for our wonderful family, who took care of everything at home for us, and for awesome, godly friends who prayed for us! They both had to be brought to the ER a week later because they were very congested and their chests were sucking in when they breathed, but that time they suctioned their little noses and told us to keep an eye on them but said they were fine and we brought them home. They are both over that dreadful cold and are doing very well!!
Big brother and sister are doing so well! There is nothing like having baby twin sisters to make a five year old grow up! He has taken on many responsibilities and I am so proud of him! He has been unloading the dishwasher, picking up his toys (and his sister's toys), running errands around the house for us, and taking care of his sister while I am tied to babies or a pump. He gets her food, water, plays with her, and comforts her when she is sad. He also helps her in and out of the van and unbuckles her from her carseat, which is a huge help because she is still rear-facing in the back seat. He has a new love of superheroes (which he really knows nothing about but enjoys making up facts) but I think that he has become something of a superhero himself in the last couple of months. Baby girl has really surprised us! Before the babies were born she was showing a lot of jealousy towards her brother spending time with mommy and daddy so she had us a little worried about what life would be like with two new babies but she has done amazingly well! She hasn't shown much jealousy towards them at all. In fact, she loves them so much! She showers them with affection, sometimes deadly affection! There have been a couple of instances when I had to pull her off of one of the babies because she fell on top of them trying to give hugs. She likes to lay her head on their heads and she LOVES to help us burp them. She enjoys being a big helper and often brings us diapers. They are usually her own diapers and she rarely brings fewer than four at a time, but she thinks she is helping and that's what counts. :-) We are starting to see a lot of little attitude issues arising and know that it is only the beginning. She is going to keep us on our toes for sure! At 19 months she now has a very vast vocabulary, consisting of words like, babies, mommy, dada, brother (bubba), no, yep, bye bye, cup (bup), right now, up, down, more, night night, I don't want to, I don't like that, water, more please, cheese (for pictures, not the food), and many more that I can't think of right now. She also says a lot of stuff that nobody can understand!
Okay, now back to feedings...
This has been the biggest struggle for us. We have been bottle feeding the girls since they were a week old when we realized that finger feeding was only meant as a very short-lived temporary solution and they were not catching on to nursing. We have tried a few different kinds of bottles, attempting to find a better fit for transitioning to nursing, all of which haven't helped. They tend to lift their tongues to the roof of their mouths, which makes nursing very difficult. Things got even more complicated when the girls were congested and at times we have gone through bad dry spells where we didn't even attempt to nurse for days due to scheduling conflicts and supply issues. However, I spent this last weekend doing a "nurse-in" of sorts. The kids went to their grandma and granddaddy's house and my husband and I hung out in our pjs all day with the babies constantly attached to me. When they weren't nursing, they were skin to skin with me so that they could learn to desire to be close to me. My amazing husband took care of diapers and kept me fed and hydrated the whole weekend. We made huge improvements! We are still a long way from exclusively breastfeeding and not needing to pump at all, but my supply almost doubled so they are at least only drinking breast milk and nursing MOST of the time. I know that the day might come when they will just figure it out and all of this pumping/bottle feeding/nursing routine will be a distant memory, but I also know that they may never catch on and I'm okay with that! I know that if they don't end up nursing I gave it my best shot and I didn't give up just because it was hard. I still have a few emotional issues to work out about this, but I know that we'll all by okay. Please pray for us as we continue on this exhausting nursing adventure!
So now that things are calming down a bit and life is beginning to get back to normal, well a new normal anyway, I am hoping to post on here more frequently. I still have a post waiting to be published about making home made ice cream at Christmas time! Life is never boring with four children so I should have some things to say. As the title of my blog says, I might have my hands full but they are full of blessings and I am so excited to see where God is leading our family!
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Twin Facts
- There are two types of twins, monozygotic, or identical, and dizygotic, fraternal
- Identical twins occur when one egg is released and is fertilized by one sperm. Within the next couple of days the egg splits and becomes two separate individuals who share identical genetic information.
- Fraternal twins occur when two eggs are released and both are fertilized by different sperm. These twins are genetically the same as any other sibling.
- Within the group of monozygotic twins are two types, monochorionic-diamniotic (mo-di), which share a placenta but have their own amniotic sacs. A great majority of identical twins are mo-di (mine included). Monoamniotic-monochorionic (mo-mo) twins share a placenta and an amniotic sac and make up about 1% of all identicals. There are a lot of risks associated with mo-mo twins, including umbilical cord entanglement, causing life threatening issues for both babies. Mo-mo twins must be very closely monitored throughout the pregnancy.
- Fraternal twins are the most common type and make up about 2/3 of all twin pregnancies.
- Fraternal twins can run in families, passed on through the mother's side. It is a myth that twins skip a generation and can be passed through the father's side (supposedly).
- Identical twins are not genetic (again, supposedly) and occur spontaneously. However, it can't be a coincidence that our girls are the third set of identical girls in three generations in a row in my husband's family. There are also two other sets of twins in his family's history, one possibly identical and the other is unknown since the twin died at birth.
- The least common type of twins are identical boys while the most common is boy/girl fraternal twins
- Some people think it is impossible to nurse twins, but it is more than possible! Nursing is all about supply and demand- the more demand for milk, the more the mother's body will produce.
- The easiest way to tell the difference between identical twins may be the belly button because it is simply a scar that developed from the detachment of the umbilical cord.
- Identical twins can be mirror twins, developing the same characteristics on opposite sides of their bodies. One may be right handed, the other left handed and they may have moles or birthmarks on opposite sides. It is estimated that 25% of identical twins are mirror images of one another.
- If identical sisters married identical brothers, their children would be cousins but would genetically be equal to full siblings!
- Women in their 30s and 40s are more likely to conceive twins due to changes in hormones and irregular cycles. This can increase the odds of releasing more than one egg at a time.
- Tall women and women who are significantly overweight also have greater odds of conceiving twins. It has something to do with hormones, which can be blamed on any number of occurrences within a woman's body.
- Up to 40% of twins develop their own language when communicating with one another. Check out this super cute video!
- Contrary to popular belief, mothers don't typically feel twins move any earlier than singleton babies. It is most common to feel them move for the first time around 18-20 weeks, especially for first time mothers. Just like with any other pregnancy, mothers who have had previous babies may feel them move sooner because they can recognize the difference between typical gas bubbles and baby movements.
- With the number of risks associated with twins, many are born prematurely
- 37-38 weeks is considered full-term for twins with over 50% of twins being born BEFORE 37 weeks. I am currently 37 weeks and have beat the odds! :-)
- Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints. Fingerprints are formed from experiences in the womb.
- It is more common for twins to be left handed than a singleton.
- Just after Christmas, Ashley Gardner delivered a beautiful set of quadruplets at 29 weeks gestation. Yes, they were conceived by IVF, but the unique aspect of their story is that they only inserted two eggs. They both split spontaneously, creating two sets of identical twins!! I don't know for sure what the odds of that happening are, but I'm going to say that it is incredibly rare!